Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 1 of 71

Why the F do I have to be over weight...whhaaaaa! So my alarm goes off at 5am I look at it and look at my hubby hoping he didn't hear it because had he he would of said "GO WORKOUT'. He's not on my ass about it, but I've asked for his help (why the f$%# did I do that for) uh anyway I did and I hit the snooze button.. I was tired. It goes off 3 more times until FINE I'LL GO sucky attitude and all. Couldn't find my gym shoes that took 10 more min...really this sucks! So finally ready to go until I opened up the damn door...HOLY SH*T balls it's like 90 below zero out and and it's dark, like really dark at that point I just wanted to give up and say the hell with this I'll just zumba at home (huh yea right like I've been saying that since I've gotten it like forever ago) Well I sucked it up, went to the gym did my cardio, so today I wanted to do my strength and I felt like the biggest idiot!!!!! Cardio went great and at that point I was pumped to start lifting HAAAAHA I looked BRAND NEW :(. I did a few machines and I had to go... I need a routine.. so if anyone of you OUT THERE know of anything for this chubby cute little cupcake (me) help a sister out. BUT HEY.. I DID GO TO THE GYM SO YAY FOR ME!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The honest to god truth

Omg, where do I start with this... I'm so sick of B*TCHES complaining about how fat they are, and even so some say they are proud BULLS*IT.. I don't buy that for a sec. because if you had a sit down with these girls a true heart to heart they will eventually open up to you and say "well if only I knew how". So it's very simple , hard to do, but the knowing is easy. I've researched and googled and read about everything to known man on weight loss and quick diets and this and that... quick diets THEY DON'T WORK, come one dumb asses , from a little pill to a protein shakes these stupid As Seen on TV stuff. I'm am sick and tired of seeing people that was 200lbs last week and a month later have lost 50lbs on what is the next best thing, they are flabby with no exercise routine and wonder.. hmm my arms are gross and my stomach is lose... here is the simple truth if you exercise regularly (and that means lift some weights ladies) and did your cardio you will most definitely lose fat, inches. ooh but wait that means you have to EAT TOO... yes idiots if you eat then you lose. But be smart about the choices you make. Yes apples are good for you and even whole wheat pasta yes yes yes it sure is so good for you. I'm saying all these low carbs diets (yes I've tried them too) people are so afraid to eat , so instead they eat bacon (yes so did i). Anything I guess in moderation is good... so every now and then have 2 slices of bacon, it's not going to kill you. With the little bit of stuff I know you'd think i was a personal trainer, nope just another fat girl trying to lose 80lbs. So it's on... good night


@ McDs. For my kids of course, but have decided if Im going to start eating healthy then so r they! Ok bye:)

OK so little chubby me will be doing a 10 week challenge and it goes something like this:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday-Circuit training (triceps, bicep, shoulder, chest, glutes, abs, lower and upper legs) 3 sets and follow by cardio
Tuesday and Thursday-45min of cardio
My diet will consist of lean , greens, veggies, fruits, whole grain and everything that WE fat asses should be eating. so starting at 203.

Oct 17th - Dec 26th (10 weeks)

I'm going to hit it hard... why not I have nothing else to do after my son goes off to school and my 2 year old and hubby are sleeping.... TIME TO GET FIT. I'm so serious about this its sick.
Pictures to follow.
So for the next 10 weeks you will hear me b*tch and complain and whine and be just an ass. But hey when I'm taking out all the shi**y foods out of my everyday diet then HELLLLLO what do you expect! NO fast*t you would think I'd be starting something like this after the holidays:( whhhhaaa !

The beginning of the NEW ME

YAY... I'm so excited that I found a way to maybe help others if not myself. This will be the beginning of a new me and what I mean by that is I'm over weight and I don't want to be anymore, sooo I'm starting a blog. Right it down is what they say right, well that's exactly what I'm gonna do , but in a way that I have others to follow me to keep me on my ass and making sure I'm doing exactly what I said I would do. Let me tell you a little about me. My name is Marisol, I'm 32 years old with 2 boys ages 2 and 11 and been with my boyfriend for 16 years (yes he's the father) anyway I'm 4'9 and I'm 203 lbs . HOLY SH*T. I'm too short to weigh so much. I've tried everything, but I can't honestly say I'd given it 100% because had I then I wouldn't be this heavy now would I? The only thing I've given a 100% is eating. Listen along the way YES I'll rip on myself and I'm OK with that, NO I don't have a low self esteem (THANK YOU GOD) I love myself, I just need to lose weight for my health. We are not in school so don't even try to correct me on my punctuation or spelling at times. So we all know how much I weigh so I'm going to tackle this the old fashion way EATING RIGHT AND EXERCISE. I'll jot down exactly what I'm doing. SO EXCITED! motivate me , help me and I look forward to meeting a lot of new followers. OOOH Dr.Oz has this "win a million dollars" thing... ooh already signed up... HOLLER everyone