Sunday, October 16, 2011

The honest to god truth

Omg, where do I start with this... I'm so sick of B*TCHES complaining about how fat they are, and even so some say they are proud BULLS*IT.. I don't buy that for a sec. because if you had a sit down with these girls a true heart to heart they will eventually open up to you and say "well if only I knew how". So it's very simple , hard to do, but the knowing is easy. I've researched and googled and read about everything to known man on weight loss and quick diets and this and that... quick diets THEY DON'T WORK, come one dumb asses , from a little pill to a protein shakes these stupid As Seen on TV stuff. I'm am sick and tired of seeing people that was 200lbs last week and a month later have lost 50lbs on what is the next best thing, they are flabby with no exercise routine and wonder.. hmm my arms are gross and my stomach is lose... here is the simple truth if you exercise regularly (and that means lift some weights ladies) and did your cardio you will most definitely lose fat, inches. ooh but wait that means you have to EAT TOO... yes idiots if you eat then you lose. But be smart about the choices you make. Yes apples are good for you and even whole wheat pasta yes yes yes it sure is so good for you. I'm saying all these low carbs diets (yes I've tried them too) people are so afraid to eat , so instead they eat bacon (yes so did i). Anything I guess in moderation is good... so every now and then have 2 slices of bacon, it's not going to kill you. With the little bit of stuff I know you'd think i was a personal trainer, nope just another fat girl trying to lose 80lbs. So it's on... good night

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blog-o-sphere!

    you rock your blog rocks --'nuff said!

    i also write a weight loss blog -- come by & say hi!

    misadventures of a chunky goddess
